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  • Writer's pictureJevgenia Uusväli

We don't really have to read...

.... to get through life. We need to work, struggle, grow, achieve, hustle....

Or do we?

I always liked the idea of reading. I like the image of myself sitting in a café with a cup of coffee and a vintage book. I love bookshops. They are true sanctuaries for me, where I always find peace. There I feel lighter, nobler, and wiser. From time to time I let myself take a new book home that will hopefully make me a better person.

Truth to be told until last year I was reading 2, sometimes 3 books a year. Not much, but enough to have something on my nightstand, to take on a plane with me, to buy in a store.

But last year something changed. I started reading. 10, 20, 30, by December I got to 40 books a year. My mind was awake, my heart full of joy, my eyes shining.

Somehow I managed to change my habits, my priorities, myself.

So what happened? I am intrigued too. To be honest, I can't say for sure. But I will try to dive deeper.

It was December 2020. I volunteered to organize a book club meeting in our sorority. I created a Facebook group, where I was planning to share Pinterest quotes and Youtube videos. But the virtual space started living its own life. People shared what touched their hearts, amazed them, inspired them.

And just like that I got excited to grab a book.

Some weeks later I created a Goodreads account and added a few friends.

"Did she read 50 books last year? How is it possible? What does she read? What is it about? Oh, that sounds interesting. Maybe I should buy one of those. "

And magically I was going through books faster than ever. I started listening to audiobooks on the train. And since I deleted my Instagram, reading took its place. I got a Kindle as a birthday present and buying books became a matter of seconds. Reading on my sofa was suddenly my favorite lockdown activity. Every time I finished a book, I went straight to Goodreads, clicked Read, gathered my thoughts and favorite quotes, and wrote a book review. I became a book critic.

I was hooked. I was changed.

I don't really have to read. I just like it. I like having new thoughts, looking at my memories from a new perspective, taking time to think, seeing the world differently every time I turn a page. I enjoy discussing controversial thoughts with my friends and family. I love challenging my brain.

And somehow I am more grounded than I ever was before. My life is slower. I like it better this way. I am more thankful. And every day I make new peace with my past self.

So maybe you find yourself in my old shoes? My new ones are definitely better. Want to try?

Happy reading.

P.S. Here is my Goodreads profile with my book reviews.

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